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Meet the Faculty: Patricia (Trish) Thompson


Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator, Mechatronics Technology


Year Joined CCAC



Courses Currently Teaching

MEC-100 Mechatronics Safety and Quality
MEC-102 Mechatronics Industrial Processes
MEC-106 Industrial Power Systems
MEC-108 Programmable Logic Controllers 1
MEC-110 Digital Electronics
MEC-112 Introduction to Robotics
MEC-150 Fluid Power
MEC-221 Robotics and Controls


Why I Teach What I Teach

After having worked as an engineer in a manufacturing facility, I witnessed the prevalence of jobs that provide family-sustaining incomes available to individuals with technical skills. These skills can be attained without burdening individuals with four years of schooling and large debt. I want to help individuals, regardless of gender identity, learn the necessary skills so that they can be successful and enjoy their lives.


Something People Might Not Know About Me

I am an amateur genealogist, trying to prove my family legends of being royal. Nothing so far, though.


Favorite Quote

"There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." -Michelle Obama