Fire Programs

These courses provide instruction to the student in the basic fire fighting skills through the latest advanced tactics necessary to function as a member or leader of a fire department.

Our more than 100 state-of-the-art initial and continuing education courses equip fire fighters with the crucial skills they need. PSI partners with the Allegheny County Fire Academy, the City of Pittsburgh Fire Academy and several local fire departments in training and certification programs throughout the state. Courses are accredited by the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy and the National Fire Academy.


Training & Education Partnership (TEP)

CCAC PSI announces a Training & Education Partnership (TEP) pay-as-you-go program for emergency services agencies in western Pennsylvania with an annual maximum cost of training for qualifying members. Fees are program-based for the required minimum number of students per course. The courses listed below are a sample of programs. To learn more, click here.


There are full scholarships for an associate degree or certificate program at CCAC, as well as training at the Allegheny County Fire Academy. To learn more, click here.

Essentials of Firefighting

The entry-level Fire Training curriculum consists of four separate levels (courses) of instruction, each a prerequisite for the next level (course).

The levels are:

  • 1st Level: Introduction to the Fire Service - ELIS
  • 2nd Level: Fire Ground Support - ELFG
  • 3rd Level: Exterior Firefighter - ELEF  
  • 4th Level: Interior Firefighter - ELIF

Truck Company Operations I & II

In these programs, you will be introduced to the basic duties of a truck company, including hand and power tool operation; search and rescue; and ventilation through issues of vehicle placement, forcible entry, search & rescue, aerial operations, building construction, fire travel and ventilation.


Engine Company Operations

This course will provide instruction in the duties and responsibilities of an engine company. Topics include: use of attack and back-up lines, search and rescue, and water supply.


Pump Operations I & II

These courses provide the firefighter with instruction from the basic pump construction and theory of operating techniques of operating a "pumper" during a fire to the most advanced techniques currently being utilized.


Incident Command

This course provides instruction in the command skills necessary to effectively use, deploy, implement, and/or function within a departmental ICS. The course includes guidelines and scenario practice applying ICS. Resource information for setting up a departmental ICS is also provided.


Managing Company Tactical Operations

Elevators pose a daily hazard to an emergency responder, and their improper use has resulted in rescuer fatalities. While the stuck elevator may seem like a minor call, the danger it poses is real. This course will introduce you to safe and effective procedures for elevator emergencies.





Because fire companies are essential to ensuring safe and well-protected communities, Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato, the Allegheny County Fire Academy and CCAC are working together to offer the Allegheny County Fire Volunteer Education, Service & Training Scholarship Program (FireVEST), which provides full scholarships for an associate degree or certificate program at CCAC, as well as training at the Allegheny County Fire Academy.

Of the 200 scholarships offered per year, 150 are for new recruits in exchange for a commitment of five years of service to a volunteer fire department in Allegheny County, while 50 scholarships will be awarded to existing volunteers in exchange for a commitment of five additional years of service.

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